Sunday, 9 March 2014

"Riptide" by Vance Joy

Reranked Position: #5

Last updated: March 09, 2014


  • 2013: #1
I must admit I was genuinely surprised that Riptide managed to beat out 2013's number 2, Royals by Lorde. Everyone I asked could tell me the title was Royals and that it was composed and sung by New Zealander Lorde. As for Riptide? People could tell you that the song was used in an advert for health insurance, but that's about it... I went one step further - I couldn't even tell you which provider it was for.

That's not to say that Riptide isn't a great song - it is - there's just nothing about it that makes it memorable in the same way that Wonderwall by Oasis is (the 2013 All-Time #1). The guitar/ukulele (not 100% sure here) sounds beautiful, and the way the instruments build up into that chorus is fantastic. To be quite honest, the vocals, while a joy to listen to, are the most forgettable component to Riptide.

Riptide does grow on you over multiple listens. However, don't do what I did and listen to it more than a couple of times on loop (this is how I review and rank songs). I can guarantee you will get bored and go back to disliking it with a passion.

Would I listen to more of Vance Joy's work? Absolutely. Is it number 1 material? Not quite, but it's definitely right up there. At the very least, it's better than Do-Re-Mi's Man Overboard.

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